Who is Rachel Van Gorden?

"It gets really quiet when I sing my songs. I'm not sure why that is but it feels a little holy", says Van Gorden, "it is an honor and a challenge to be a writer of songs and I'm thrilled to finally be able to share some of them." 

Rachel Van Gorden is a singer-songwriter who was born in South Carolina, rooted in Nashville TN, and is currently thriving in the Washington DC area. Rachel began playing music while attending Converse College. She was a songwriter and percussionist for the band Shekinah - who recorded one album and toured the Southeastern US. After moving to Nashville, Rachel continued to perform and write and fortuitously became connected with her producer, Tony Morra

Rachel's debut album THE ART OF SURVIVAL was released on
 December 2, 2016. The music is a sonic blend of vulnerability, courage, and finely-tuned emotional expression. The songs are bold and address issues with fierce care. The songs have themes exploring racism, betrayal, humanity, depression, and enduring love. THE ART OF SURVIVAL is more memoir than manual and more nuance than noise. Rachel Van Gorden shouts quietly and with purpose.